Monday, July 24, 2006


Today I have played around with brushes. There are so many free brushes on the net, just google for it and you'll find tons.

Here are some I like:
I-Netgrafx (these are good for mattepainting).
brushes from Linda Bergkvist
Creative Mac Brushes

And there are many creative ones here:
Adobe Studio Exchange

On the left is an image I made while playing around with the various brushes (click on it to see a larger version). It was very fun....and that pic is made up 100% of brushes I found today. Many of them are bitmap brushes, but I also used more normal brushes for the haze, transitions, grass and extending the water.

I also found an app where you can preview your brushes: ABRviewer. This is very useful since previewing them in in photoshop is not that fast, and one do not want to have all the brushes loaded at any time.

Here is a tutorial how you can create your own custom brush.

Here are a bunch of tutorials how to make creative cool brushes.

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