Friday, July 14, 2006

Digital Painting

The intention with this blog is to show my progress as I am learning digital painting.

I intend to spend a couple of hours every day, and will post here when there's some progress. Here is a pic of my current drawing/painting skills. As you see, I start from scratch. I will be studying free tutorials on the net and link to those I think are good. I have learned 3D this way, and it is amazing how much free info/tutorials there are on the net these need to buy a book. I also will screenrecord my progression, and upload the videos to my website ( for you to see. If just my bandwith limit holds up. hmmmm I saw a host with no bandwith limit, maybe I will get an account there.

btw I have no tablet, so I will paint with a mouse. I will probably buy a tablet very soon, one is very limited with just a mouse to paint with. Pressure sensitivity is very important...

Yep that's it for today, more tomorrow...

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